
To select fund click on it:
In Honor of:
In Memory of:

Make a donation by credit card now!

You may donate to New Hope Church’s General Fund or the Cemetery Fund online. To donate by credit card right now, select the fund above, then press the “DONATE NOW” button and you will be taken to our payment processor (PayPal) where you may securely enter the donation amount and your credit card information. Thank you!

Contributions are tax-deductible

Your gift supports the Christian ministry and witness of New Hope Church. Your donations are 100% tax deductible, safe, secure, and private. New Hope Cumberland Presbyterian Church is a 501(c)(3) religious nonprofit organization. We do not share any donor information with any third party. Our mail and email lists are private.

Direct contributions by cash or check

Besides donating by credit card from this page, you can make individual or recurring donation via cash, check, or your bank’s “bill pay.”

To contribute to the church’s general fund, send checks to:
New Hope CP Church
P.O. Box 422
Madisonville, TN 37354-0422

To contribute to the cemetery fund, send checks to:
New Hope CP Cemetery
P.O. Box 422
Madisonville, TN 37354-0422

Besides mailing, you can always place checks in the offering during Sunday worship. For cash donations, please place in an envelope with the amount, the name of the fund, and your name and phone.

Thank you for supporting New Hope Church!